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The Qualities of Wicker Furniture

Wicker furniture is an elegant, timeless way to add character to nearly any room of a home. It can be stained or painted to match existing decors, and is an excellent addition to a sun room or enclosed patio. Outdoor patios with wicker furniture evoke thoughts of summer gatherings to bring warmth to occasions.

Wicker is a term that refers to the specific method of creating furniture. While the word usually brings to mind rattan or reed, wicker furniture can be made of any substance that is pliable enough to bend and strong enough to maintain a woven shape when dry. Such furniture is commonly constructed of rattan, reed, bamboo, willow or any number of synthetic fibres. These rods are typically steamed, woven into place and left to dry, resulting in a durable and light piece of furniture.

The most common reference to wicker is rattan. This wood comes from a tree-like vine in tropical climates and is considered one of the hardest woods available. Because it grows straight, rather than in rings as trees do, rattan is considerably more durable. This durability makes rattan furniture some of the longest lasting and most sought after wicker furniture available.

Quality wicker furniture will have a coating over the wood, whether it is painted or not. This coating provides additional toughness to the wood as it prevents chipping and scratching. It is also a benefit to wicker furniture that is destined for an outdoor patio; the coating will repel most of the moisture it comes in contact with and prevent rot and warping.

Wicker is a preferred type of furniture for its lightweight and durable construction. The woven patterns not only provide a unique and visually appealing centerpiece for a room, but offer comfortable seating without adding bulk to the décor. A wicker piece can also be easily moved from one spot to another, making it perfect for "rec rooms" or rooms means for entertaining.

When styles change, wicker is easily updated. Not only is it a cinch to care for and clean, it can easily be repainted to match a newly updated motif. One or more colors can be used to match the existing furniture to the new design. This versatility has made wicker a mainstay in decorating, as owners do not need to worry about investing too much in furniture that will simply go out of style.

High quality wicker furniture is an excellent investment for many different decorating styles. Its versatility, durability and airy design allow it to be anything from a neutral, functional piece in a larger room to a more dramatic, eye catching centerpiece that draws the attention of guests. The added benefit of its mobility makes it perfect for individuals who often need to move furniture from one room to another to accommodate guests.

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