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LUXEMBURG & COPENHAGEN Banana Astor Living Set: Cozy Living set

By: Niez


Some people need classic but not out of date furniture collection for their mansion or home, Rattanland give the new offer of Luxemburg and Copenhagen banana astor living set for your collections. These two collections is very simple design with small accent, so if you are minimalist lover, you can add this collections for new years collections in your new years resolution.


Luxemburg and Copenhagen banana astor living set is very simple design, with banana astor for the weaving and the mahogany wood for the frame make these two design look very simple but luxury.  These two designs are using same weaving, the simple weaving one banana and two fitrit for the weaving frame.


For the Luxemburg banana astor living set, to make the style more look luxury Rattanland put the wooden arms along the arm rest of the chair, so it will not make this living set look boring with only banana astor to cover the chair, and also the unique shape of the coffee table makes this living set look more beautiful.  The table legs are like the tend that will make the table stronger, and you can put the glass top, only 5mm thickness will be okay.  Luxemburg living set is also need a cozy seat foam, the foam for the seat is maybe about 10-15 cm thickness with Dacron layered for the top of the seat, and for the back foam, you can use full Dacron or crushed foam to make it more soft and you can seat more comfortable.


For the Copenhagen banana astor living set, you will amaze with the beautiful and simple frame of the chair and also the table, the chair is design with the wooden frame on the front of the chair and also on the bottom of the weaving Rattanland add wooden accent with square wooden frame, the arm of the chair is also same height as the back of the chair.  And for the table, as Rattanland want you not to worry about the glass top, Rattanland add the wooden tabletop to make the table look more luxury and beautiful.  For the foam it is still same with the Luxemburg banana astor living set.


These two living set color is same, both of them are using natural banana astor color, this color will make your living set look new, and also these new Rattanland collection will make your home look so luxury, minimalist and cozy.

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